I Like Your Buttons


Illustrated by Nancy Cote
Albert Whitman
PRC Book Printing
Ages 3–7, 32 pages
ISBN  1-4942-2173-X
ISBN 13  978-1-494-22173-7


One day, Cassandra’s teacher, Ms. Sutton-Jones, wore a blouse with big, glittery buttons.
“I like your buttons, Ms. Sutton-Jones,” Cassandra said.

With those few words, Cassandra starts good feelings flying around the school, out onto the playground, and through the neighborhood, ending with the happiest of surprises.


Bank Street College of Education’s Best Children’s Books 2000


What goes around, comes around—literally, figuratively, every which way in this do-good, feel-good title.
– Kirkus Reviews

This simple but compelling story teaches children that a smile and a kind word gives people a sense of pride in themselves and a desire to do something nice for others.
– Children’s Literature Review

The cartoon-style art has lots of vigor and features a multiethnic community that is linked by good will.
– Booklist

This is a book I plan to give my principal who always reads a book to each classroom at the beginning of the year. It is a perfect book to show the importance of generous good will and how it continues to spread out like ripples from a stone thrown into a pond.
– Teacher, South Orange, NJ



I Like Your Buttons! is available in five other languages!

Spanish   French   Portuguese   Vietnamese   Tagalog



Click here for a downloadable classroom guide for I Like Your Buttons!. – Created by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer

Character Counts

Kindness Resources

Social Skills Stories/Teaching Positive Social Skills Using Cognitive Behavior Intervention, Deb Muskat and Melissa Miller, Biblio Resource Publishers, 2011.

Using Picture Storybooks to teach Literary Devices/ Recommended Books for Children and Young Adults, Susan Hall, Greenwood, 2001.

Where You Can Purchase

Sarah’s Bookstore – paperback
Barnes and Noble