Co-authored by Kavita Ram Shrestha
Libraries Unlimited
Age 7 and older, 110 pages
ISBN 978-1563083785
These folktales from the far-off Himalayan kingdom of Nepal may remind you of other stories you know, such as “Cinderella” and “Hansel and Gretel.” But these tales are a little different, for they are unique to Nepal. Some of them are fearsome, some tell the reasons for things, such as why certain trees grow where they do, and some are just plain silly.
From the Mango Tree is the only collection of Nepali folktales currently in print in the United States. It is part of Libraries Unlimited’s World Folklore Series and includes an introduction to the country, as well as photographs of the land and its people.
Highly recommended.
– The Book Report
A fascinating glimpse at a fascinating culture through stories that are universal in their appeal and message.
– The Second Story Review
Although the future seems uncertain, the spirit of Nepal and its people remains strong. This book attempts to preserve that spirit, while at the same time, sharing it with readers from afar.
– Tale Trader
Click here for a downloadable classroom guide for From the Mango Tree. – Created by Tracie Vaughn Zimmer
The Children of Nepal, Matti A. Pitkanen, Carolrhoda, 1990
Himalaya (Vanishing Culture Series), Jan Reynolds, Lee and Low, 2007
www.lonelyplanet.com/nepal – a pleasant introduction to the country with lovely pictures and informative articles